lunes, 10 de junio de 2019


Hi.  Notes in spanish is one of the best podcast in spanish I have listened.  You have three levels: beginners, intermediate, advanced.  I recommended because the spanish is very comprehensible and the topics change continiusly.

The podcast is beside free and if you want anything else (I think the text), you have to pay. How is a podcast you can listen this one in every place, and you can improve your spanish.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019


   If you want to learn to speak a language you must take advantage any moment, any situation.  Everything is good for learning it.  You can see the movies, the books in spanish, in french ...  Now with internet you can watch videos from youtube in spanish.  You can read books in spanish with the KINDLE. If you are living in USA, you have a lot of people from south american countries working in USA. Speak with them.

  If you use to talk in spanish in every moment , in every time, you ll be little to little more fluently, because you ll have to lost the fear to talk in a foreign language.

  You dont think in the mistakes.  Everybody make mistakes when speak. I am making a lot of mistakes in this moment when I am writing and It is not the most important, the most important is the comunication.

  The practice make the perfection.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019


Hi everybody. I am Alfredo Plo Alvarez. I was born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1967 and I am civil servant in the spanish administration.  I have a degree in Bussiness Administration in the University of Zaragoza.

  I like the languages and I speak english and french fluently besides a little of Catalan and I am learning Portuguese.

  My experience with the languages started with the french language. When I was younger I studied french in the school and the highschool, after in the University I have studied bussiness french.  The problem with the languages in Spain and the most part of the countries is we only study grammar, grammar and grammar.  I have studied grammar, grammar and grammar for years but I didnt know anything.

  In 1991 I got a Erasmus scholarship in France, and I have only a purpose to speak french.  I spent the most part of the time speaking, speaking and speaking, and after three months I got to have a good french level.  This was a discovered for me and I notice the only way to learn a language is the practice.  Grammar is important, no forget, but practice like the most important things in the life, is the most important.  Imagine for example a swinger that was explained like to move the arms, like to move the legs, the head and every movement but never, never go to the swimming pool.

After mi experience with the french in France.  I was looking for people, for exchange conversation, mainly french speakers.  In this time internet doesn t exist and I was looking for people with messages in the University.  I found a french guy very friendly, Yannick, and finally I got to be his friend. I spoke in french with him and he spoke me in spanish and I improve the french a lot.  In this time I was very young and we spent our time drinking in bars in Zaragoza and speaking about the french culture and spanish culture (the alcohol help to speak better).

Thanks to this experience I decided to learn english. I was 27, 28 years old and I speak english nothing.  I remember I bougth a book Calling all beginners by the BBC.  It was a pocket book with cassetes.  Every day I studied a lesson and when I finished the book, again the first lesson.  In this way several times.

After to learn the grammar I decided to start to speak.  At beginning was very dificult because in this time in Spain internet was not popular (I am speaking 1996 more or less).  I found an english man by a paper, but their classes were very expensives and he cheated me with the money.  I remember he was a guy from London.  Finally I found a spanish he had lived in USA for several years.  He had lived in Texas and his english was very good.  He wasnt an english speakers but almost, beside it was very cheap.  I was with him speaking english, almost a year and I improved a lot.


La lectura en español es muy importante.  Yo practico la lectura (reading) con un kindle.  El kindle es un dispositivo fabuloso y puedes leer un monton de libros en diversos idiomas.  Existe la posibilidad de descargarte libros gratis, la mayor parte de ellos son manuales.  Existe también la posibilidad de descargarte un diccionario y con el propio kindle, si tienes una duda acerca de alguna palabra, puedes traducirla directamente.

Yo he practicado mucho la lectura de ingles y frances con el kindle, y se de que hablo perfectamente. Aconsejo que los libros que leais en español no sean clasicos (los clasicos emplean un lenguaje antiguo y dificil de comprender).  Los mejores libros para leer son los best sellers y los ensayos actuales.  Estos libros utilizan un lenguaje actual y mas comprensible.  Tambien recomiendo pequeños manuales, que se pueden descargar gratuitamente en Amazon.


A little game that you can do it is to do a challenge about the reading.  In my case with the english I do little change with the books.  I have practiced this one with the english, the french, and now with the portuguese.  I try to read ten little books in one month. It is not difficult. You can find books with about twenty, thirty pages in Amazon and your ego will be more confident.

You can choose short stories too for example: "Will I capable to read ten short stories in a month".  I have read short stories written by Poe, Andersen, Grimm Brothers, ... etc.


Mi primer idioma aprendido fue el frances, y posteriormente aprendi ingles.  El ingles hablado lo aprendi a base de clases particulares.  Despues de un tiempo hablandolo, hice una pausa durante un tiempo, y solo lo leía o lo escuchaba.  Todas las peliculas las veía en versión original con subtitulos.  Entonces aparecieron los primeros DVD y fue un gran avance, ya que la television en España solo permitía ver peliculas dobladas al español. El DVD permitia cambiar el idioma, y casi todas las películas que me gustaban eran americanas.

Pasado un tiempo aprobe una oposicion y pase a trabajar de funcionario (civil servant).  Mi primer destino fue una localidad llamada Castellon dentro de la región valenciana.  En esa ciudad ademas de español se hablaba catalan (un idioma que se habla en una region llamada Catalunya, y en un pequeño país llamado Andorra). Asi que decidi aprovechar el tiempo y con libros y conversación tambien aprendi a expresarme y a comunicarme en ese idioma.  El principio fue el mismo para los tres idiomas, un poco de gramatica, y luego la conversacion, que era lo que mas ayudaba.